In-House Training +
If your company has specific training needs, then this is the choice for you. Training sessions are custom designed to suit the needs of your organization, laboratory or site. These are typically presented in a workshop type environment to include actual examples and hands on exercises specific to your company.
- Advantages to in- house training include but are not limited to:
- Allow smaller groups to attend specific sessions to maximise efficiency of learning
- Allow discussion of internal opportunities for improvement or to resolve current conflict
- Can tackle specific regulatory observations due to deficiencies
- Brings people of different departments together with a defined common goal and increased understanding of each other’s needs.
- More cost effective and higher employee rate of improvement due to customised content and help multiple employees “get on the same page”
Note: PMcG Consulting does not encourage the old “pack em in” approach to training. Over 10 years of training experience to people with different levels of education, experience and job functions in our industry has shown this is not an effective training technique. Ideally groups should be kept to a maximum of 10 people for maximum effectiveness. (Some courses do allow for larger numbers).
Public Training +
Public training courses and webinars are more of a general nature due to the diversity of experience and background of the attendees. They do however offer the advantage of networking and sharing the experiences of peers in the industry for a common topic. These are recommended for companies with one or two staff or as initial/refresher training for those looking for a general overview and updates on a specific topic.
These are mainly organized on an as needed basis. If you would like to attend a public training course or webinar, please contact us. Mention your location and topic requirements. We will do our best to match you up with others with similar requirements in order to enhance your training experience.
Webinars +
These are designed to provide a quick overview of the key aspects of a specific topic. Do not usually include indepth “How to” information. They usually last between 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the topic. All include a question and answer session at the end so come prepared with your related questions.
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To see our selection of topics click here: Training Topics Offered